
Patti Brennan, CFP®, CFS®



Meet Patti Brennan,

President & CEO

"When love and skill come together, expect a masterpiece." – John Ruskin

A graduate of Georgetown University and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Patti Brennan is different. Not only does she provide comprehensive wealth management, she and her team create integrated strategies that are unique for each client. Patti is not just a number cruncher. She has the ability to see the impact of small details in the big picture, and is known for communicating complex, financial concepts into simple, meaningful terms.

As a wife and mother of 4 children, Patti has learned to balance the most important job in the world with the needs of a growing company. Her husband, Ed, also owns a business, so their children have a real understanding of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Even so, evenings were always focused on family and the challenges they were all experiencing in their lives.

Patti is a big believer in giving back to the community and currently resides on the boards of the YMCA of Greater Brandywine, Connect Thru Cancer and Penn Medicine Chester County Hospital Foundation Finance and Investment Committee, as well as other work with the hospital. She is also in high demand in the Financial Services Industry as a frequent speaker on best practices.

Over the years, she has served on Chester County Hospital’s Main Board and is the former Chairwoman of the Retirement Plan Committee, the Chester County Economic Development Council, Southeastern Pennsylvania Development Council (SEEDCO) where she and a few select others approved SBA loans for small businesses in our community. Patti was the Captain of her Georgetown lacrosse team in college, and spent many years coaching young girls in field hockey and lacrosse. She is also a former Chairwoman of the National Advisory Board of Royal Alliance.

Amongst all of those activities, Patti’s favorite position was teaching kindergarten CCD at St Agnes, giving her own 4 children the opportunity to be her “student teacher”. Even many years later, those students still come up to her and tell her that “trashball” was their favorite game in elementary school.

Get to Know Me

One word that describes you best:

Approachable. This is the biggest compliment anyone could give me. While people think of me as high energy, I always want to be the person people know they can talk to.

If I could possess one super-human power:

A photographic memory!

Most cherished family tradition:

Our family tradition was saying prayers every night with our four children. It became our lifeline and a daily opportunity for the six of us to reconnect. Each of us would list three things we were grateful for and then we all went to bed remembering we are lucky and secure.

My Hobbies


This or That ...


Eagles or Cowboys?



Saver or spender?

Investor (which includes investing in people, technology, clothes and kids)!


Rock or Country?


My Photo Gallery


Patti is registered with Osaic Wealth, Inc.