Drew Nakajima
Data Engineer

Meet Drew Nakajima
Data Engineer
"Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?" – Matthew 20:15
Drew has always possessed a strong inclination towards math and science, which ultimately led him to pursue an engineering degree at Lafayette College. During his time there, he refined his problem-solving and critical thinking skills while also participating in Lafayette's men's club ice hockey team. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, complemented by a minor in Economics.
Throughout his professional career, Drew has taken on various roles, such as technical sales, project management, and design engineering. In all of these positions, he has thoroughly enjoyed the challenges and mental stimulation associated with technical problem-solving. Moreover, he is grateful for the invaluable experiences gained from relationship-building through the training programs offered by these companies and the interactions within their various departments as a project manager.
After spending the first four years of his career in the industrial and manufacturing sectors, Drew sought a career change that would align more closely with his values. He looked for a company that not only embraced a team-based culture but also prioritized a client-centric mission. When offered the chance to work part-time in a basic role at Key Financial, Drew quickly noticed that the company was different from his previous workplaces. Impressed by the talented individuals and client-focused atmosphere that drives Key Financial, Drew enthusiastically expressed his desire to join the team.
Each department within Key Financial has benefited from Drew's multiple layers of talent and intellectual capacity that he contributes to every project. His positive attitude and adaptability have allowed him to swiftly transition from a part-time employee to a full-time addition to the team.
In his leisure time, Drew enjoys playing golf all year long, and ice hockey or skiing throughout the winter.
Get to Know Me

What's the greatest lesson you've learned in life so far?
The only thing I have control over is my attitude.
What's one word that describes you best?
What are you really bad at that you'd love to be great at?
Keeping my succulents alive.
This or That ...

Noise or Silence?

Morning or Night?

Chocolate or Vanilla?